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İsrail’e karşı dijital savaş

İsrail’e karşı dijital savaş
İsrail’in Gazze saldırılarına karşı bir etkin kampanya daha başlatıldı. Verilecek E-mail, faks ve telefonlarla tepkiler Obama’dan İsrailli savaş suçlularına kadar ulaşacak.

Haber Merkezi / TİMETURK

Dünyanın farklı yerlerinden İsrail’e tepkiler ve protestolar çığ gibi büyürken, İsrail’in Gazze saldırılarına ve insanlık dramına karşı bir etkin kampanya daha başlatıldı.

Başarılı diye tabir edilebilecek bir “e-mail kampanyasından” sonra sıranın bir sonraki aşama olan “savaş suçlularına faks ve telefon” aracılığıyla tepkilerin dile getirilmesi olduğu ifade ediliyor.

Yeni başlatılan kampanyanın hedefleri şu şekilde sıralanıyor:

1. Telefon, cep telefonu ve faks numaralarını savaş ve Siyonizm karşıtı mesajlarla bombardımana tutun. Bu, telefonla aramak ya da faks çekmenin dışında SMS yoluyla bile olabilir.

2. Savaş suçlularının vakitlerini alabildiğince çok boşa geçirmelerini sağlayın. Bazıları TV ekranlarında yalan ve öfke yaymaktan başka hiçbir işle uğraşmıyor. Filistinli çocukları ve sivilleri öldürmeyi haklı göstermeye çalışıyorlar.

3. Direkt olarak onlara yaptıkları işin iğrençliğinden ve bunu hemen durdurmaları gerektiğinden bahseden mesajlar gönderin.

4. Onlara Gazze’deki savaş suçlarından sonra dünyanın Filistinlilere ne kadar çok destek verdiğini gösterin.

Savaş suçlusu Mark Regev’le başlayalım, başbakanın uluslar arası basın danışmanı

Cep telefonu: +972-5-0620-3264 ve ofis telefonu +972-2670-5354. Eğer e-mail yollamak isterseniz şu adresi kullanın

Ikinci savaş suçlusu savunma bakanlığındaki Shlomo Dror

Cep telefonu: +972-5-0629-8148 ve ofis telefonu +972-3697-5339, faks numarası ise +972-2670-5602.

Öncelikli olarak e-mail göndermek isterseniz e-mail adresi

Üçüncü savaş suçlusu İsrail donanmasından Binbaşı Liebovitz

Cep telefonu: +972-5-781-86248

Kampanyada ayrıca “irtibat bilgilerine rastladığınız İsrail savaş suçlularından biri olursa ( adresine yollayabilirsiniz deniliyor. Bir diğer önemli nokta ise yine aynı kampanyada Olmert ve adamlarına ulaşıp, onlara dijital bombardımanda bulunabilmek için aşağıdaki link veriliyor: PM+Office/Contacts/

Ve son bir hatırlatma telefonların önünde bulunan “0” kaldırılıp, + 972’nin çevrilmesi örnekle anlatılıyor. Öğreğin: Ehud Olmert’in telofon numarası 02-670-5555, israilin ulusşar arası alan kodu olan +972 başa getirilecek ve sıfır atılıp şu şekilde çevrilmiş olacak +972-2-670-555, faks numarası 02-670-5475, +972-2-670-5475 olarak tuşlanacak

Kampanyanın sonunda her zaman yapılabilecek daha çok şeylerin olabileceği belirtilerek İsrail meclisindeki üyelerle alakalı şu link veriliyor: eng/mkindex_current_eng.asp? view=0

Ayrıca İsrail meclisindeki numaraların önüne numaradan once +9722 ilave edin. description/eng/eng_directory. htm

İsrail savunma bakanlığına faks çekmek için: “To: The Israeli Ministry of Defense”, yazın ve +972-3-697-6717 nolu faks numarasına yollayın.
İsrail dışişleri bakanlığına faks çekmek için: “To: The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, yazın ve +972-2-5303367 nolu faks numarasına yollayın.

Obama’ya ulaşmak için contact/

Amerikan kongresi için congress/ writerep/welcome.shtml

* İsrail cep telefonları aşağıdaki kodlarla başlar:
9725 Israel-Mobile
9726 Israel-Mobile
97251 Israel-Mobile
97253 Israel-Mobile
97255 Israel-Mobile
97256 Israel-Mobile
97258 Israel-Mobile
97252 Israel-Mobile-Cellcom
97257 Israel-Mobile-Mirs
97254 Israel-Mobile-Partner
97250 Israel-Mobile-Pelephone

Ocak 13, 2009 Posted by | Abd, Ahlak, America, Amerika, Araştırma, Arşiv, Askeriye, Örgütler, Üniversiteler, Basın Açıklamaları, Bilgi, Bilgisayar, Bilim, Bilişim, Boykot, Dünya, Dünyadan Tepkiler, Europe, Filistin, Gazete, Güncel, Gündem, Gençlik, Haberler, IHH, ilginç, Internet, Irak, Iran, Iraq, islam, israel, Istatistic, istihbarat, Kitap, Kitaplar, Kudüs Davamız, Masonlar, Medya, Medyatik, Ortadoğu, Palestina, Pc, Program, Programlar, Psikoloji, Reklamlar, Savaş, Silah, Siyaset, Siyasetçiler, Siyonizm, Soru / Cevap, Suikast, Tartışma, Teknoloji, Telefon, Televizyon, Terör, Terror, Turkey, Turkiye, Usa, Web, Wordpress, World, Yahudiler, Yahudilik, Yaşam, İnsan, İnternet Araçları, İsrail | 1 Yorum

Bugünkü gazete manşetleri

Bugünkü gazete manşetleri

Okumaya devam et

Ocak 12, 2009 Posted by | America, Amerika, Armenia, Arşiv, Avrupa, Boykot, Dünya, Dünyadan Tepkiler, Derin Devlet, Direniş Örgütleri, Dosya, Ergenekon, Ermeni Soykırımı, Etkinlikler, Europe, Eğitim, Eğlence, Felsefe, Filistin, Film, Fotoğraf, Fotoğraf Arşivi, Gazete, Gazete Manşetleri, Gençlik, Genel, General, Haberler, Hayata dair..., Hristiyanlar, Hukuk, IHH, Internet, Irak, Iran, Iraq, islam, israel, Istatistic, istihbarat, itiraf, Köse Yazilari, Köşe yazısı, Kültür, Kemalizm, Kudüs Davamız, Makale, Masonlar, Medya, Medyatik, Memurlar, Mescid-i Aksa, Misyonerler, MiT, Moda, News, Ortadoğu, Otomobil, Palestina, Pc, Pkk, Russian, Savaş, Sağlık, Seçim, Sendika, Silah, Siyaset, Siyasetçiler, Siyonizm, Son Dakika, Suikast, tarih, TBMM, Teknoloji, Terör, Terror, Turkey, Turkiye, Vatan Hainleri, World, Yahudiler, Yahudilik, Yaşam, Yök, Zionism, İnsan, İsrail | Yorum bırakın

Gündemi yakala

Ağustos 17, 2007 Posted by | 18+, Abd, Africa, Afrika, Ahlak, Aile, Al Jazeera, amatör çekim, America, Amerika, Animasyon, Anket, Araba, Arabic, Arapça, Araştırma, Armenia, Arşiv, Askeriye, Asrı saadet, Astronomi, Avrupa, Ayet, Çanakkale, Çeçenistan, Çizgi Film, Çocuk, Önder, Önemli Günler, Önemli Kişiler, Örgütler, Öğrenci, Üç aylar, Ümmet, Üniversiteler, Basın Açıklamaları, Başörtüsü, Bağlantılarımız, Belediyeler, belgesel, Belkiler, Bilgi, Bilgisayar, Bilim, Bilişim, Biyografi, Blog, Blogroll, BM, Boykot, Burs, Cep Telefonu, Chechen, China, Christianty, Cms, Comedy, Data processing, Dünya, Dünyadan Tepkiler, Deneme, Deneyler, Deprem, Dergi, Derin Devlet, Dernekler, Dersler, Design, Deutsche, Dini yazılar, Dinlemeye Değer Mp3ler, Direniş Örgütleri, Diyanet, Diziler, Diğer, Dosya, Download, Dua, Duyurular, Edebiyat, Ekonomi, Enerji, England, English, Ermeni Soykırımı, Etkinlikler, Europe, Evrim, ezgi, Eğitim, Eğlence, Felsefe, Filistin, Film, Fon müziği, Fotoğraf, Fotoğraf Arşivi, Fragman, French, fUTBOL, Fıkra, Gazete, Güncel, Gündem, Güvenlik (Security), Güzel Sözler, Gençlik, Genel, General, Genocide, Gerekli Programlar, Gezi, Gizli Çekim, Grafik, Haberler, Hack, Hadis, Hastalıklar, Hatim, Hayata dair..., Hayvanlar, Hikaye, History, Hristiyanlar, Hukuk, ibadet, IHH, ilahi, ilginç, ilim, Images, India, Internet, Irak, Iran, Iraq, islam, israel, Istatistic, istihbarat, itiraf, Japan, Kadın, Kamera Arkası, Kampanya, Kandil, Karakutu, Karikatür, Köse Yazilari, Köşe yazısı, Kültür, Kemalizm, Kilise, Kim Kimdir?, Kimlik, kisa film, Kitap, Kitaplar, Kişisel gelişim, Klip, Komik, Komik Resimler, Konferans, Konser, Korku, KPSS, Kudüs Davamız, Kuran - Quran, Laiklik, Lisans eğitimi, Makale, Marka, Masaüstü, Masonlar, Müzik, Medya, Medyatik, Memurlar, Mescid-i Aksa, Mesnevi, Metalurji, Middle East, Misyonerler, MiT, Mobil (Cep / PDA), Moda, Movie, Mp3, Multimedia, Music, Namaz, Nasheed, Ne Nedir?, News, Nuclear Energy, Ofis Programları, OKS, Ortadoğu, Osmanlı, OSYM, Otomobil, Oyun, Palestina, Pc, Pkk, Program, Programlar, Psikolog, Psikoloji, radyo, Reklamlar, Religion, Resimler, Romantik, Roportaj, Russian, Sahsî, sanat, Savaş, Sağlık, Science, Seçim, Sendika, Ses Kasetleri, Silah, Sinema, Siyaset, Siyasetçiler, Siyonizm, SoHBeT, Son Dakika, Soru / Cevap, Spanish, Spor, Sport, Stand up, Suikast, Syria, Tanıtım, tarih, Tartışma, Tatil, Türkçe, Türkçe Program, Türküler, Türkce Klipler, TBMM, Tebessüm, Teknoloji, Teknoloji kitaplığı, Telefon, Televizyon, Terör, Terror, Tesettür, Tiyatro, Travel, Turizm, Turkey, Turkiye, TV, Tv Programları, Tv Show, UK, Usa, Video, Wallpaper, War, Web, Web Master Kaynakları, Web Tasarım, Wordpress, World, Yahudiler, Yahudilik, Yardım, Yardımlaşma, Yazarlar, Yazilar, Yaşam, Yök, Yemek Tarifi, Yorumsuz, Zeka oyunları, Zionism, Şarkı sözleri, şiir, İmam Hatip Liseleri, İnanç, İndir, İnsan, İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi, İnternet Araçları, İrtica, İsrail, İş adamları | 6 Yorum

► Why Abdul Raheem Green Came to Islam ?

Why Abdul Raheem Green Came to Islam

Okumaya devam et

Ağustos 14, 2007 Posted by | Diğer, English, Genel, islam, Multimedia, News, Video, World | 1 Yorum

Philippine prisoners thrill the web

The dance routines were aimed at motivating inmates to exercise [AFP]

Thirty-six year old Crisanto Niere has been awaiting trial for five years in the Cebu provincial detention and rehabilitation centre, accused of selling illegal drugs, he faces a life sentence if convicted.For him and many other prisoners, days were habitually filled with boredom and despair.

But not anymore.

Al Jazeera Exclusive
Watch Al Jazeera’s behind the scenes report

Since the prison’s physical fitness programme was redesigned Crisanto and his fellow inmates have become musical stars.

Some of the 1500 inmates at Cebu now perform mass choreographed dance moves to the strains of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, Queen’s Radio Gaga and a number from the hit film Sister Act among others.

Byron Garcia, a security consultant at the prison, says the thinking behind the move was “by music we can communicate more to the inmates. Penetrate their psyche … the end goal would be discipline”.

“Three years ago – these inmates were very unruly,” he says.

Accused murderers, drug dealers and rapists number among the Cebu inmates and they perform the dances for a bit of exercise and a bit of fun. And it has changed prison life. Okumaya devam et

Ağustos 3, 2007 Posted by | Al Jazeera, Diğer, English, Genel, General, News, World | Yorum bırakın

Darfur groups meet to find unity

Darfur’s fractious groups have gathered for talks to forge a united front, after obtaining UN approval for an increased peacekeeping mission in the Sudanese region.


Sponsored by the African Union and the UN, the meeting in Arusha, Tanzania, has sought to define a common position for a fresh round of peace negotiations with Sudan’s government.



Salim Ahmed Salim, the AU envoy to Sudan, said: “Our objective is to find a common position. You cannot have negotiations with on the one hand, the Khartoum government, and seven, eight or nine rebel groups on the other.”



Jan Eliasson, the UN’s special envoy to Sudan, said it was crucial to capitalise rapidly on Tuesday’s Security Council decision to deploy 26,000 peacekeepers in Darfur to boost the political process.

Five Sudanese groups already agreed to form the United Front for Liberation and Development [AFP]
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“Genocide is a crime against humanity as a whole, not just against it’s immediate targets. It therefore falls on the world at large to act.”

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

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“We regret that Abdel Wahid Nur is not here. We hope that with this decision, he is not excluding himself from the final  negotiations we are planning,” Eliasson said.

The absence of Suleiman Jamous, a key rebel figure who has acted as co-ordinator to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the population of Darfur, also overshadowed the Arusha talks.

Jamous was initially detained by Minawi over his opposition to the Abuja deal and has been confined to a hospital for more than a year.

Nur’s faction contests the legitimacy of the many splinter groups and also argues that talks with the government should only be considered once the new “hybrid force” of UN and AU peacekeepers is deployed.

Yahia Bolad, Nur’s spokesman, said: “The more you recognise individuals as faction leaders by inviting them to talks like those in Arusha, the more factions there will be, and consequently disorder on the ground.”

New peace deal

A Darfur peace deal was reached with the Sudanese government in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, in May 2006.

But it was only endorsed by one of three Sudanese groups involved in negotiations.

The deployment of 26,000 peacekeepers in
Darfur may help the political process [AFP]

Violence has since spiralled and splinter factions have flourished.

In mid-July, however, the leaders of five Sudanese groups gathered in Asmara, the Eritrean capital, and agreed to form an alliance, the United Front for Liberation and Development, and invited other splinter groups to join.

Four groups – including the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) – have adopted a common position in advance of Arusha during a meeting Tuesday in Tripoli, the capital of Libya.

Ahmed Hussein Adam, JEM spokesman, said: “We reach an important time now… We welcomed the resolution on peacekeeping. Despite its shortcomings, it has opened the door for a new political process.

“In Arusha, we are going to see how we can share this new process, for it to be meaningful, comprehensive and inclusive.

“On the real issues, I don’t see any differences between the various groups.”

Ağustos 3, 2007 Posted by | Africa, Afrika, Diğer, English, General, Genocide, News, World | Yorum bırakın

India-US nuclear deal text released


India and the US have established the wording of their civilian nuclear technology deal, with key provisions on fuel supplies and safeguards.


India’s opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, which carried out nuclear tests when it was in the government in 1998, said that the wording, unveiled on Friday, was “unsatisfactory”.At the same time, Anil Kakodkar, India’s atomic energy commission chief, welcomed the deal, having previously expressed worry that it could stunt India’s military programme.The text of the agreement, which took two years to complete, tackles controversial issues such as the reprocessing of nuclear material.


The deal has also come under criticism from some Americans who worry it will stymie US anti-proliferation efforts, especially in Iran. Okumaya devam et

Ağustos 3, 2007 Posted by | Abd, America, Diğer, English, Genel, India, News, Nuclear Energy, Usa, World | Yorum bırakın

Professor McCarthy: Armenian genocide is British propaganda

Renown U.S. historian and expert on Ottoman affairs, Professor Justin McCarthy said allegations of Armenian genocide are British propaganda

Professor Justin McCarthy, speaking at a conference in London, said that a source known as the “Blue Book” chosen by Armenians to prove their claims of genocide is one of the products of British war propaganda bureau’s efforts of misinformation during first world war.

The Blue Book written by Viscount Bryce and Arnold Toynbee has been used as proof that Armenians and the victims of the Jewish Holocaust suffered the same fate in history. This book has been said to be a product of British intelligence designed to promote and promulgate lies during World War I. Britain had set up the war propaganda bureau at Wellington House for the sole purpose of promoting lies and misinformation on Germany and the Ottoman Empire. The British were in full co-operation with American missionaries in Anatolia and the American Embassy in Istanbul conjured a so called Armenian genocide based on gossip, hear-say and erroneous information.
The real purpose behind this exercise was to create and strengthen an image in the minds of British military officers that the Turk were evil, horrible and untrustworthy McCarthy adds.


Haziran 8, 2007 Posted by | Armenia, Arşiv, Diğer, England, English, Genel, News, Turkey, War, World | Yorum bırakın

4 New Muslims from 4 Corners of the World / video

This is A great Documentary telling the story of Four people who have Reverted to the beautiful and true religion of Islam and how their life has changed for the better. They give accounts of their lives from before Islam and after reverting to Islam.
This is an interesting video for those who want to know more about Islam and what it means to people who follow it.

Mayıs 6, 2007 Posted by | Dünya, Diğer, English, Genel, islam, News, Religion, Video, World | Yorum bırakın

Angela Collins: Why I decided to submit? / Video

I accept that I cannot control the events that occur in my life or in the lives of others.

Islam is the only religion that communicates total submission to our Creator, the Creator of all people and of all things. As a Muslim I know that everything I do first begins with an intention and then I must transform that intention into an effort in order to carry out what has already been decreed. This wisdom defines my path to be a better person to myself, my family, my community and to all of my brothers and sisters here on earth.

In essence Allah (the one God) opened my heart, Islam gave me the direction, and now I live to serve out the guidance lent by my Creator for happiness here on earth and if Allah wills, in the hereafter. Okumaya devam et

Mayıs 6, 2007 Posted by | Diğer, English, Genel, islam, News, Video, World | 2 Yorum

Brother Yusuf Adam talks about how he became Muslim. London / Video

Mayıs 6, 2007 Posted by | Diğer, England, English, Genel, islam, Religion, Video, World | Yorum bırakın

Turning Muslim In The UK / Video News

A great video profiling various reverts to Islam in the UK, giving a close insight into the challenges and rewards of living Islamically in Britain.

Nisan 21, 2007 Posted by | Arşiv, Dünya, Diğer, England, English, Genel, islam, News, Religion, UK, Video, World | Yorum bırakın

We Proudly Introduce:TURKEY / TÜRKİYE Tanıtım Filmi 2007 / video

Türkiye tanıtım filmi,T.C. kültür bakanlığı 2007 Turkey

Nisan 12, 2007 Posted by | Arabic, Avrupa, Dünya, Deutsche, Diğer, English, Europe, Film, French, Genel, Gezi, Japan, kisa film, Klip, Movie, News, Spanish, Tanıtım, Türkçe, Travel, Turkey, Turkiye, Video, World, العربية | 1 Yorum

Pray Before You Die – Salaah’ It islam

Nisan 11, 2007 Posted by | Diğer, English, Genel, islam, News, Video, World | Yorum bırakın

Sami YusuF – We will never submit – (( The2h Clip )) 2.klip

Nisan 10, 2007 Posted by | America, Arabic, Dünya, Diğer, English, Filistin, Genel, ilahi, islam, israel, Klip, Müzik, Middle East, Mp3, Music, Nasheed, News, Ortadoğu, Palestina, Türkçe, Türkce Klipler, Usa, Video, War, World, العربية | 3 Yorum

Beatiful Du’a From Makkah / Video Klip

Nisan 8, 2007 Posted by | Arabic, Diğer, Dua, English, Genel, islam, Klip, Kuran - Quran, Nasheed, News, Video, World, العربية | Yorum bırakın

Yusuf Islam Maybe There’s a World Live Echo 2007

Nisan 7, 2007 Posted by | Diğer, English, Genel, ilahi, islam, Klip, Müzik, Mp3, Music, Nasheed, Türkce Klipler, Video, World | Yorum bırakın

Yusuf islam-The little ones

Nisan 7, 2007 Posted by | Diğer, English, Genel, ilahi, islam, Klip, Müzik, Mp3, Music, Nasheed, Türkce Klipler, Video, War, World, Yardım | Yorum bırakın

Mehmet Ali Birand-Apo Kahvaltı’da / Video – Yorumsuzz..

Nisan 7, 2007 Posted by | Dünya, Diğer, Güncel, Gündem, Genel, Gizli Çekim, Haberler, Medyatik, Pkk, Tartışma, Türkçe, Televizyon, Terör, Terror, Turkiye, Video, World, Yorumsuz | 4 Yorum

Troops killed in Iraq violence

At least 18 British, US and Iraqi soldiers have been killed in a series of attacks across Iraq.

Four British soldiers and a civilian translator died in a roadside bomb blast near Basra while four US soldiers were killed in two separate incidents in Baghdad.

In Mosul, 10 Iraqi soldiers died were killed when armed men attacked a checkpoint.

The British patrol was attacked with roadside bombs, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms as it returned from an operation, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Stratford-Wright, a British military spokesman, said.

“It [the attack] was against a multinational force warrior patrol. All of the soldiers were part of the British contingent,” he said.

The main blast left a crater in the road at least a metre deep and several metres across.

“We heard two explosions that shook the house. I went out and saw one armoured vehicle that was completely destroyed and another with less damage. I saw some soldiers being taken away, but I don’t know how many,” one resident said. Okumaya devam et

Nisan 6, 2007 Posted by | Abd, America, Amerika, Arabic, Dünya, Diğer, England, Güncel, Genel, Haberler, Iraq, Middle East, News, Usa, World | Yorum bırakın

British envoy meets Palestinian PM

A British envoy has met Ismail Haniya, the Palestinian prime minister, to discuss efforts to free an abducted journalist, despite an EU ban on contacts with members of the Hamas.

Richard Makepeace, Britain’s consul-general in Jerusalem, met Haniya in Gaza on Thursday to discuss the March 12 abduction of the BBC’s Alan Johnston.

“We had asked for a meeting with the prime minister over this very important humanitarian issue,” Makepeace said after the 30-minute meeting.

“I believe all of us want to achieve a peaceful and a quick solution to this unfortunate problem.”

It was the first meeting between a representative of the British government and a Hamas member of the new Palestinian unity government. Okumaya devam et

Nisan 5, 2007 Posted by | Dünya, Diğer, England, English, Filistin, Güncel, Genel, Haberler, Middle East, News, Palestina, UK, World | Yorum bırakın